
Positive personal habits

Positive personal habits

1 - belief in God
2 -The highest values personal success has high values and away from negative behaviors such as lying, gossiping, exploitation, and is characterized by sincerity, honesty, benevolence of people and giving and generosity
3 - has a clear vision in the short term, medium-and long-term and also knows what he wants and how to achieve and get it
4 - always has a positive outlook
5 - Focus on the solution when facing difficulties
6 - take advantage of the difficulties and challenges and turning them into experiences
7 -Self-confident
8 - social and loves to help others



Person's sense of himself and his mind in himself

1 - acceptance of self: person must accept himself , the accepted form his character and accept his family do not feel that he doesn't  love his family, or wishes to be somewhere else, and accept his country and feel the belonging and this does not mean that we don't develop ourselves and try to take advantage of the strengths of our

2 - Person must feel have value and he is an important member of society and has the capacity of the production and delivery and that his life has meaning and that what he is doing is important to him and others and find an estimate of the others always try to give those around you to appreciate what they deserve.

3 - Person should love his advantages and God's blessings be upon him, It is the main reasons  in love for himself or not, First programming since he was a child.

Love yourself and make your children love themselves but love, which gives them strength and self-confidence but do not reach the stage of vanity.

Power of the idea

Power of the idea

 power of the idea affect the human mind if it express to get rid of all fear it will focus the mind to get rid of that fear and escape from him or confronting it and eliminated. If the idea was to express concern would be to focus the mind and looking for a strengthening of the idea and would be a cause of increasing concern.
For example, if the idea is to improve health and access to the weight of the appropriate and linked to happiness,so the mind will focus on increasing your insistence on improving your health and access to proper weight, and here we know the importance of the idea of positive thinking as a solution to many problems in our lives and the cause of the causes of happiness or unhappiness in life

Programming the mind

Programming the mind

1 -Our mind and our thinking from a young programmer and the sources of such programming is
2 - parents: the child learns everything from his parents from the words and the values​​, principles and ideals
3 - relatives: both of the brothers and sisters or grandfather and grandmother
4 - the social environment: from neighbors, friends and daily dealings
5 - School: the style of teachers and officials from the words and behaviors and actions
6 - friends: They are the most dangerous sources after the parents where we spend most time with them and also they are the first real choice for us in our lives
7 - and the media: There are a lot of watching television, and there are those who read newspapers every day
8 - ourselves: After all these sources have become our values​​, principles and we were able to add new behaviors, whether positive or negative

Be the owner of charismatic

7- make them remember your words

In your talking always use examples of moot and stories because they are more tools that make talking fun alive and helping others to remember your words always includes with of meanings and over, always try talking to contain examples and illustrative stories or simulation.

8-Interested in their names

Everyone loves to hear his name, so when you talk to someone you should try to remember his name while talking, but avoided mentioning his name in every sentence you say, is enough to remember his name at the beginning of talking and at the end, this will make talking a more intimate and will remove many barriers between you and him.

9-Be satisfied

To be satisfied with yourself and what you have is key to personal happiness, and people are attracted to the person overjoyed.

10-Be fun
People naturally tend to the person who makes them laugh, and there are people  have a sense of humor by nature, try to include talking some jokes and try to lend an atmosphere of joy while you are.

Be the owner of charismatic

4-Developed your Information and Culture

Knowledge and culture more attractive holder, each person has interests and expertise and knowledge in one of the affairs of life, talk with others about things that interest it and affect you and lift your spirits and affect your outlook on life, Share your interests and convictions and thoughts.

5-Care of your appearance

Appearance is very important, the appearance of health, fitness and strength of the healthy and the way clothing all affect how people view you, for it is the first message you send to others about yourself, your appearance refers to how your interest in yourself and satisfied it, care of your health and exercise and wear the best.

6-Compassion with them

Listen with interest and sympathy are the shortest way to be charismatic, because how will you affect people if you can not understand.

Be the owner of charismatic

10 ways will make you the owner of charismatic

1- know your self

Before you affect the others must first understand yourself and understand the keys to your personality and find out what you did and your reactions and pay attention to your body movements and terminology in various situations. You understand yourself and your ability to understand your behavior gives you the power and the ability to deal intelligently with yourself and awareness, must know that the image that others will see it before you consider to influence them.

2-Raise your spirits

We all agree that a person happy a positive impact on those around him, and we all also agree that the depressed person drive away people against it, to affect others positively must be in good spirits, and easiest ways to raise the spirits of exercise, sport improve mood and reduce tension and keep health and prolong life, Make it a routine event in your life.

3-Make them feel their importance.

We are all attracted to the person who cares for us, if you want to attract to you people listen to what he says and to know it and I understand more and make him feel that the most important person in the place.

Achieving success

Achieving success

To achieve success  you must change his way of thinking
 think like a successful man
 you should focus on the positives and do not focus on negatives
You only make your future and your life
People see you as you see yourself
If you're confident in yourself
 people will see you confident in yourself

know that everything in this life can be achieved and there is no thing named impossible

Be happy

Must take care of all these sides balance to live in comfort and happiness, and to be happy.

1 - Be always awake about what you are doing.
2 - Talk to yourself and ask her always upgrading and excellence.
3 - always select when to begin and when do you end and do not make something threaded in.
4 - Select how you want to achieve and in what way.
5 - Ask yourself - what  must i do to realize my goals.

How would you define your goal of life

How would you define your goal of life

1 - Select the spiritual goal - Select the steps to improve the spiritual side.
2 - Select the target profile (social relations) - Select the points you want to do.
3 - Select the target career (education and employment) - How was promoted side career?
4 - Select the target financial (financial position).
5 - Select the target health - How do I change my diet and healthy - weight loss - Sports.

The importance of goals

The importance of goals

١- Control yourself: when you select your goals you be a person more control over yourself and learn what you want.
2-Self-confidence,when goal-setting will increase your confidence and convincing the completion of more.
3-Promoted self,at the end of a goal and achievement is transcendent and achievement.
4 - Time management: identifying the goals you will find yourself compelled to organize your priorities and your time.
5 - Enjoy your life: with no plan, living the life of an emergency,but with the plan of your life easier.

The reasons that make us move away from planning

The reasons that make us move away from planning
1- Fear.fear of Failure and it is the result of previous experiences
Fight your fear,Treat your mistakes and start.
2-Fuzzy self-glance,not smaller than yourself,you are able to deliver,you are able to access.
3-Delay,the worst habits that waste our time.
4- lack of belief in the importance of goals.
5-Not of knowledge,there are people do not know how do they start and where, they must be careful to look for knowledge of reading and question.

How to control your life

How to control your life

Every man must have a goal in his life and the man who lives without a goal a man lost does not have identity live his life only to wishful thinking and dreams and achieves nothing, in order to have a goal must plan very well how to reach it and how to accomplish, and always ask yourself
What is my goal in life?
Do i know what I want and where I want to go?

The people who determine what they want to achieve their goals, who are not pulled by the pleasures of life and do not distract themroutine business  to achieve their goals, so plans for the day and your life if you are planning a trip you know pretty fine detail, to reach for what you want enjoyably.


Ways of dealing with yourself

Ways of dealing with yourself

First, manage yourself and deal effectively with yourself.
2-Mend the relationship between you and God
3-Optimism and hope your mind to expect success
4-Make your goals specific and illustrated
5-Start to put plans of the different things of  your life and stay away from chaos.
6-Around your plans in achieving your goals into concrete action
7-Preserve for your time and do not lost your time
8-Organize your life
9-Do not run away from the business and the task Avenue
10-You must have the values ​​and principles in this life and make them the basis of your life
11-Faced business results and actions
12-Do not make your personality always definite and not always Mysterious
13-Be happy and stay away from sad

Success Habits

Success Habits

Success is the result of good decisions and habits

The successful focus on what is positive and assume the negative

The successful does not circulate things,he is pay attention to the words used and not distributed the Charges randomly, because he is affect around

The successful does not follow  his emotions,he knows it should not be the only engine of its decisions.
The decision  should move the emotions and to succeed in achieving your goals should be linked between emotions and the mind.

The successful  is social effective way ,he is not a social nature, but he understands the importance of social relationships and communicate with others and also understood the importance of time so he does not lost his time on social events often
He invests his time with someone who may help him and benefit from him.



Is the sense of a person values himself
 he is deal with others in nature, without fear or dread he knows he is only who control of himself and judge himself, not others
how to overcome negative feelings?
Negative and frustration are the result of thought and thinking negative,Thought and thinking negative urges  fear and weakness,and repeated failures and depression and repeated excuses and pessimism and introversion

There are negative people think they need a better place and a higher level, without effort or fatigue
He is trying to convince himself it is complete and everyone against him and fight him

I believe that education has a role in building the human personality and to identify goals

person must be positive in any case, whatever the Conditions

Negative person

1-Look at the Negatives of society and not look at the positives
2-Feel that everyone is against him
3-Always expect the worst
4-Fear of the future and the failure
5-he is not to accept dialogue with others
6-Negative and the convergence and thus the loss of hope, stress and fear.

How to become a positive person?
1-Be optimistic and always suffer  yourself on everything.
2-Be realistic and think carefully before making decisions
3-Talked positively about yourself and always remember the good qualities
4-Be a believer that everything happens for a reason and it is good for you
5-Stop thinking some time and enjoy life.


There is no failure, but there are results and experiences

There is no failure, but there are results and experiences

You must look to the challenges of life as you learn new lessons in order to be able to achieve your goals and that whatever you did not achieve your goals at the moment, you have a wonderful experience will enable you to achieve your goals later

Every person being has in his past experience and great expertise can be traced back to it and recalls benefit to improve his lifestyle

Respect and accept others as they are

  Respect and accept others as they are

Some people try to change the other to be as they want,and get very disappointed because every person being has a set of values and beliefs and your own capacity, which enables it to act in a certain.

So you have to respect the other person as he is, do not criticize or compare his actions with the others, and not try to make changes in order to receive Admire.
Do not get angry when you can not change others because you actually find it difficult to change yourself.

So then your understanding is correct for this principle and work will avoid many problems and negative feelings and you will increase your skills and your ability to communicate with others and will have the love and respect for people

Presuppositions of NLP

Presuppositions of NLP

1-Respect and accept others as they are
2-Every man has in the history of his past all the possibilities that it needs to accomplish positive change in his life.
3- People use the best choice for them within the means available at the moment.
4- Behind every behavior there is the positive intention.
5-Every human being has two levels of communication:Conscious,Unconscious
6- There is no failure, but there are results and experiences.
7-The most flexible person can control things.
8-Mind and body affect each other in some way.
9-If any person being able to do anything it could be any other person being to learn and do this thing.
10-I control my mind, then I am responsible for my actions results.

what is NLP?


It Is the art and science of the human being to reach a degree of excellence, which it can achieve its goals and always raises the level of his life

Is the set of ideas, feelings, and actions resulting from the habits and experiences which affect our contacts with others and ourselves are and it goes our way of life and this can be changed
Refers to our ability to use language, either by words or phrases specific or without any words and through the silent language expressed by the conditions of the body such as the meeting, the stance, gestures and signals and also the facial expressions that reveal our thinking styles and beliefs
Refers to our nervous system to the mental attitude which includes the five senses see, hear and feel and taste and smell
So, NLP is our ability to use the language of the mind positive strategy will enable us to achieve the goals of our lives.


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