


Is the sense of a person values himself
 he is deal with others in nature, without fear or dread he knows he is only who control of himself and judge himself, not others
how to overcome negative feelings?
Negative and frustration are the result of thought and thinking negative,Thought and thinking negative urges  fear and weakness,and repeated failures and depression and repeated excuses and pessimism and introversion

There are negative people think they need a better place and a higher level, without effort or fatigue
He is trying to convince himself it is complete and everyone against him and fight him

I believe that education has a role in building the human personality and to identify goals

person must be positive in any case, whatever the Conditions

Negative person

1-Look at the Negatives of society and not look at the positives
2-Feel that everyone is against him
3-Always expect the worst
4-Fear of the future and the failure
5-he is not to accept dialogue with others
6-Negative and the convergence and thus the loss of hope, stress and fear.

How to become a positive person?
1-Be optimistic and always suffer  yourself on everything.
2-Be realistic and think carefully before making decisions
3-Talked positively about yourself and always remember the good qualities
4-Be a believer that everything happens for a reason and it is good for you
5-Stop thinking some time and enjoy life.



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